Sponsor our open source projects!


In the Kaggle iWildcam 2021 competition the species recognition and counting algorithm of the Sensing Clues team became split-second second. To increase its spread and impact we recently open sourced the project. With the funds we receive from sponsors we integrate results of CAIMAN in our WITS-platform, which increases the value of these images tremendously.

OpenEars & SERVAL

With our volunteer friends of IoT Sensemakers Amsterdam we have developed a highly sophisticated sound recognition sensor. It recognises many different sounds related to the presence of people, ranging from gunshots, motorbikes, trucks, chainsaws, music, barking dogs, cattle, and other. The sensor is currently being tested in the city jungle of Amsterdam. To be ready for monitoring and protecting the jungles of Africa, Asia and the Amazon a few more development steps have to be taken. Your sponsorship brings that reality closer!

Oh yes, OpenEars is the name of the sensor, hardware and all; SERVAL is the name of the sound recognition algorithm that we created. And both our open source.